Monday, December 28, 2009

Update for all my readers!

First of all, Happy Holidays! Hope you guys are having a blast during this holiday season, sorry for being on hiatus for a couple of days there. I had not posted anything these past few days because I was on my Christmas Vacation, and I didnt really have any time to go online and write.  But good news is, as of today, Ill be coming back with a vengeance! So be on the look out for an onslaught of reviews coming your way!

Thanks for reading!

The Film Connoisseur


  1. Feliz Navidad para ti también. Disfruta de tus vacaciones (las mías ya han acabado) y estaremos esperandote a la vuelta.

  2. Gracias Crowley, mis vacaciones tambien terminaron...hoy! Pero nada, mis reviews vuelven con la misma fuerza que siempre! Asi que espera unos cuantos por ahi en esta semana...especialmente porque me regalaron el Box Set de peliculas de Vincent puedo esperar a verlas!

  3. Cooool. My blog was also on a short vacation. Looking forward to the new stuff!

  4. Know how you feel! I ate way too much to be blogging!

    Welcome back.

  5. Thanks Sarah, I will be reviewing some old school horror films, mainly some Vincent Price films that Ive been meaning to finally watch!

    Thank the movie gods I got a bunch of dvds for christmas, amongst them a bunch of Vincent Price coolness, so be on the look out for those soon!

    Thanks for reading Sarah!

  6. I´m just waiting the reviews from Price films¡¡¡ Because you´re living in mortal sin if you haven´t seen then yet¡¡¡ I can´t believe it¡¡¡XDDD

    Kind regards and enjoy your holidays¡¡

  7. Glad to hear youve been having an awesome vacation Franco, looking forward to the upcoming reviews in 2010!!

  8. @Atxein: I have seen some of the Vincent Price's films like The Last Man on Earth, Edward Scissor Hands, Vincent, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Raven, The Abominable Dr. Phibes and its sequel...but Ive yet to see others like Theater of Blood which I am so curious for and will hopefully get to review this week!

    @Carl: Expect lots of good stuff man, I love writing film reviews! Gotta write something down on Avatar I recently had the chance of watching it and I dug it lots...theres lots of cool films coming our way in 2010, shaping up to be an interesting year movie wise.
